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Using SListView

Row by Row, Column by Column

SListView is a widget used to display lists and tables. It can display multiple columns with complex content, such as in the built-in ObjectDetailViewer. Object Detail Viewer

A Snapshot of the Object Detail Viewer tool

Setting Content

There are two types of SListView in TAPython: SListView and SListView Since over 90% of SListView instances are actually multi-column, it is recommended to use "SListView<MultiColumn>".

Dividing SListView into these two types is the most significant failure in my TAPython design. In order to maintain compatibility with earlier code, SListView and SListView cannot be merged into a single widget. This is a necessary compromise in TAPython.


"ListItemsSource" can be used to set the initial content of SListView. In the example below, we set the content of SListView to ["Item A", "Item B", "Item C"]

Unreal SListView with 3 items

"SListView": {
    "Aka": "MaterialList",
    "ListItemsSource": ["Item A", "Item B", "Item C"],
    "SHeaderRow": {
        "Columns": [
                "DefaultLabel": "List Label",
                "FillWidth": 1

For multi-column SListView, the component name is "SListView<MultiColumn>". In the example below, we create a 3-row, 4-column SListView.

Unreal SListView featuring 4 columns and 3 rows

"SListView<MultiColumn>": {
    "SHeaderRow": {
                "DefaultLabel": "Line",
                "FillWidth": 0.1
                "DefaultLabel": "Column A",
                "FillWidth": 0.25
                "DefaultLabel": "Column B",
                "FillWidth": 0.25
                "DefaultLabel": "Column C",
                "FillWidth": 0.25
    "ListItemsSource": [
        ["Line 1", "Red", "Green", "Blue"],
        ["Line 2", "Green", "Blue","Red"],
        ["Line 3", "Blue", "Red", "Green"]
    "OnSelectionChanged": "print(%Index)",
    "OnMouseButtonDoubleClick": "print('double click: {}'.format(%Index))"


"Columns" is used to set the names of each column in the SListView header. Each element in "Columns" corresponds to a column in SListView. "DefaultLabel" is the column title, and "FillWidth" is the column width. The value of "FillWidth" is a relative value, with the actual proportion being the ratio of its value to the sum of all "FillWidth" values.

SListView widget must include SHeaderRow widget, otherwise it will not work properly.

Manipulating SListView with Python Code

Setting Content

To set the content for a single-column SListView, use the "set_list_view_items" method.

chameleon_data_instance.set_list_view_items(aka_name, ["Item A", "Item B", "Item C"])

To set the content for a specific column in a multi-column SListView, use the "set_list_view_multi_column_items" method.

chameleon_data_instance.set_list_view_multi_column_items(aka_name, ["Line A", "Line B", "Line C"], column_index)

Setting Selection State

To set a specific row in SListView as selected, use the "set_list_view_selection" method.

chameleon_data_instance.set_list_view_selections(aka_name, selection_index_list)

For multi-column SListView, use the "set_list_view_multi_column_selection" method to set the selected rows.

chameleon_data_instance.set_list_view_multi_column_selections(aka_name, selection_index_list)

Retrieving Content

To retrieve the content of SListView, use the "get_list_view_items" method. This method returns both the content and selection

items, isSelected = chameleon_data_instance.get_list_view_items(aka_name)

To retrieve the content of a multi-column SListView, use the "get_list_view_multi_column_items" method. This method returns all items and the number of columns in SListView. The returned items are a one-dimensional array, with columns having priority. First, all rows of the first column are returned, followed by all rows of the second column, and so on. The content of the header is not included.

Since the C++ side cannot directly return a two-dimensional array to Python, we can convert the returned items and the number of columns into a two-dimensional array ourselves.

items_list, num_column = chameleon_data_instance.get_list_view_multi_column_items(aka_name)

To retrieve the selection state of SListView, use the "get_list_view_selection" method. This method returns an array of indexes of the currently selected rows in SListView.

selection_indexes =

Event Callback


"OnSelectionChanged" can be used to set the callback function when the selected row in SListView changes. The variable placeholder "%Index" can be used to get the index of the selected row.

"OnSelectionChanged": "print(%Index)",
"OnMouseButtonDoubleClick": "print('double click: {}'.format(%Index))"

Variable Placeholders

  • "%Index" When a click or double-click event is triggered, "%Index" will be replaced with the index of the currently selected row.

  • "%Item"

The "%Item" placeholder is only supported for SListView, not for SListView. At runtime, it will be replaced by the specific content of the current row.


Similar to "OnSelectionChanged", "OnMouseButtonDoubleClick" can be used to set the callback function when a row in SListView is double-clicked. The variable placeholder "%Index" can be used to get the index of the selected row.


In addition to the two event callbacks mentioned above, SListView also supports the "OnContextMenuOpening" event callback. This event callback is triggered when the SListView is right-clicked, and is used to open a custom context menu.

"OnContextMenuOpening": {
    "items": [
            "name": "Save to json",
            "Command": "chp_objectManager.save_current_prefab_to_json()"
            "name": "Load from json",
            "Command": "chp_objectManager.set_current_prefab_from_json()"
            "name": "Generate Mesh",
            "Command": "chp_objectManager.generate_mesh_for_this_prefab()"

Several other widgets also support "Context Menu". For more details on "Context Menu", please refer to this link:Context Menu for Slate


To enable rich text in SListView, we need to add a field named "RichText" and set it to true, as shown below:

An example of RichText in an SListView

For more details on using rich text in SListView, please refer to this link: RichText
