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Function Name Description
log_var_desc Print out the detail infos of the given User Defined Struct. Include VarName, Category, Guid, PinValue and so on.
log_var_desc_by_friendly_name Print out the detail info of the specified Variable of User Defined Struct.
get_variable_description Get the content of VariableDescription of the specified Variable in User Defined Struct.
get_guid_from_friendly_name Get the Guid of specified Variable in User Defined Struct by friendly name.
get_guid_from_property_name Get the Guid of specified Variable in User Defined Struct by property name.
get_variable_names Get the Variable Names of specified User Defined Struct.
get_friendly_names Get the Friendly Names of specified User Defined Struct.
is_unique_friendly_name Query is the Friendly Name unique or not.
add_variable Add a new variable to specified User Defined Struct
add_directory_variable Add a new variable to specified User Defined Struct
remove_variable_by_name Remove the specified Variable in User Defined Struct by property name.
rename_variable None
change_variable_default_value Modify the default value of specified Variable in User Defined Struct.
get_variable_default_value None


Print out the detail infos of the given User Defined Struct. Include VarName, Category, Guid, PinValue and so on.

unreal.PythonStructLib.log_var_desc(struct) -> None
    Print out the detail infos of the given User Defined Struct. Include VarName, Category, Guid, PinValue and so on.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.


Print out the detail info of the specified Variable of User Defined Struct.

unreal.PythonStructLib.log_var_desc_by_friendly_name(struct, var_name) -> None
    Print out the detail info of the specified Variable of User Defined Struct.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.
        var_name (str): The friend name of the specified variable.


Get the content of VariableDescription of the specified Variable in User Defined Struct.

unreal.PythonStructLib.get_variable_description(struct, friendly_name) -> Map[str, str]
    Get the content of VariableDescription of the specified Variable in User Defined Struct.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.
        friendly_name (str): The friend name of the specified variable.

        Map[str, str]: The content of VariableDescription as a Key, Value String Map.


Get the Guid of specified Variable in User Defined Struct by friendly name.

unreal.PythonStructLib.get_guid_from_friendly_name(struct, friendly_name) -> Guid
    Get the Guid of specified Variable in User Defined Struct by friendly name.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.
        friendly_name (str): The friendly name of the variable.

        Guid: The Guid of the variable.


Get the Guid of specified Variable in User Defined Struct by property name.

unreal.PythonStructLib.get_guid_from_property_name(name) -> Guid
    Get the Guid of specified Variable in User Defined Struct by property name.
    note: The Guid of a Property Name is independent of which struct it belongs to

        name (Name): The Property name of the Property variable.

        Guid: The Guid of the variable.


Get the Variable Names of specified User Defined Struct.

unreal.PythonStructLib.get_variable_names(struct) -> Array[Name]
    Get the Variable Names of specified User Defined Struct.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.

        Array[Name]: The variable name list.


Get the Friendly Names of specified User Defined Struct.

unreal.PythonStructLib.get_friendly_names(struct) -> Array[str]
    Get the Friendly Names of specified User Defined Struct.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.

        Array[str]: The friendly names list.


Query is the Friendly Name unique or not.

unreal.PythonStructLib.is_unique_friendly_name(struct, friendly_name) -> bool
    Query is the Friendly Name unique or not.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to query.
        friendly_name (str): The New Friendly Name

        bool: True if the friendly name is unique in the struct.


Add a new variable to specified User Defined Struct

unreal.PythonStructLib.add_variable(struct, category="PythonEditor", sub_category, sub_category_object, container_type_value, is_reference=False, friendly_name="") -> bool
    Add a new variable to specified User Defined Struct
    note: More example can be found in the website, or print out a exists variable with log_var_desc_by_friendly_name for reference.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to modify.
        category (Name): The Category of the new Variable
        sub_category (Name): The SubCategory of the new Variable
        sub_category_object (Object): The SubCategoryObject of the new Variable
        container_type_value (int32): Container type. 0: single, 1: array, 2: set. Use add_directory_variable if you want add a dict variable
        is_reference (bool): Whether e new Variable passed as reference
        friendly_name (str): Friendly name of the new variable

        bool: True if the new variable has been added


Add a new variable to specified User Defined Struct

unreal.PythonStructLib.add_directory_variable(struct, category="PythonEditor", sub_category, sub_category_object, terminal_category, terminal_sub_category, terminal_sub_category_object, is_reference=False, friendly_name="") -> bool
    Add a new variable to specified User Defined Struct
    note: More example can be found in the website, or print out a exists variable with log_var_desc_by_friendly_name for reference.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to modify.
        category (Name): The Category of the new Variable's key
        sub_category (Name): The SubCategory of the new Variable's key
        sub_category_object (Object): The SubCategoryObject of the new Variable's key
        terminal_category (Name): The Category of the new Variable's value
        terminal_sub_category (Name): The SubCategory of the new Variable's value
        terminal_sub_category_object (Object): The SubCategoryObject of the new Variable's value
        is_reference (bool): Whether e new Variable passed as reference
        friendly_name (str): Friendly name of the new variable

        bool: True if the new variable has been added


Remove the specified Variable in User Defined Struct by property name.

unreal.PythonStructLib.remove_variable_by_name(struct, var_name) -> bool
    Remove the specified Variable in User Defined Struct by property name.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to modify.
        var_name (Name): The Property name of the variable.

        bool: None


unreal.PythonStructLib.rename_variable(struct, var_guid, new_friendly_name) -> bool
    Rename Variable

        struct (UserDefinedStruct):
        var_guid (Guid):
        new_friendly_name (str):



Modify the default value of specified Variable in User Defined Struct.

unreal.PythonStructLib.change_variable_default_value(struct, var_guid, new_default_value) -> bool
    Modify the default value of specified Variable in User Defined Struct.

        struct (UserDefinedStruct): The User Defined Struct you want to modify.
        var_guid (Guid): The Guid of the variable.
        new_default_value (str): The new default value in string format.

        bool: True if the default value has been set


unreal.PythonStructLib.get_variable_default_value(struct, var_guid) -> str
    Get Variable Default Value

        struct (UserDefinedStruct):
        var_guid (Guid):


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