全新的[TAPython文档]((https://www.tacolor.xyz/tapython/welcome_to_tapython.html)已经发布,为初学者和有经验的用户提供全面且用户友好的资源。这篇博客文章简要介绍了文档最新版本中的主要更新和改进,包括更好的组织结构、模态窗口支持、Slate UI指南、教程和技巧以及扩展的编辑器库。
TAPython has been upgraded to version 1.0.9. Release Page @github
1. A new lib PythonTestLib has been added, we can get logs and call python script with delay and repetition.
2. In Test cases repo for TAPython extended APIs, more than 200 PythonLib APIs has been tested.
3. Add OnMapChangedCmd callback for Chameleon Tool.
4. Add SDetailsView support, more editor APIs, bugs fixed, and more...
With MaterialEditingLirary and PythonMaterialLib of TAPython,we can script almost every material operations with Python.
And we can get deep detail from expressions and material, for instance the connections between expressions and shadermap.
In short, we can use Python to do almost every thing you did manually in the editor with User defined ENum, User Defined Struct and DataTable.
介绍在TAPython中,什么是Aka名。TAPython 小贴士
在UE中安装Python的第三方库, 方法二, TAPython 小贴士
在UE中安装Python的第三方库。TAPython 小贴士
在不重启工具的情况下,重新加载Python逻辑。 TAPython 小贴士
当打开窗口时自动重新加载python逻辑。TAPython 小贴士
什么是ChameleonTools。TAPython 小贴士