TAPython for UE5.3.2 is here
Now we have TAPython 1.2.1, which includes the build for Unreal Engine 5.3.2. New widget, new editor lib, and new image compare tool and more.
It's been a while since the last release of TAPython, do you miss it?
Now we have TAPython 1.2.1, which includes the build for Unreal Engine 5.3.2. New widget, new editor lib, and new image compare tool and more.
It's been a while since the last release of TAPython, do you miss it?
Now we have TAPython 1.2.0, which includes the build for Unreal Engine 5.3.0
The GREATEST game is available today, and TAPython v1.0.11 has also been released, including the build for Unreal Engine 5.2.
TAPython has released v1.0.10, which includes the build for Unreal Engine 5.1.1
TAPython has been upgraded to version 1.0.9. Release Page @github
1. A new lib PythonTestLib has been added, we can get logs and call python script with delay and repetition.
2. In Test cases repo for TAPython extended APIs, more than 200 PythonLib APIs has been tested.
3. Add OnMapChangedCmd callback for Chameleon Tool.
4. Add SDetailsView support, more editor APIs, bugs fixed, and more...
TAPython has been upgraded to version 1.0.8. Release Page @github
1. We released the first version of TAPython for MacOS.
2. New Global and Individual Context Menu for Chameleon Tools.
3. Custom Context Menu for Material Editor.
4. More than 30 new APIs for Material Nodes, Texture2D, RenderTarget and SImage.
5. More Control with Chameleon Tool's Window. For instance, snapshot the contents of the entire chameleon tool window, including the parts of ScrollBox that are not shown.
and more...
TAPython has been upgraded to version 1.04 and supports Unreal 5.0.2.
1. Support more slates: SSplitter and SExpandableArea.
2. Configurable icons for menus.
3. Reference External Json in Chameleon UI.
4. More API in PythonBPLib For instance GetViewportPixels, and we can have a lot of fun with it.
and more...