Bootstrap Chameleon Logo



Property Type Note
Aka String Name for the widget
ColorAndOpacity Number Array, Length = 4 Linear color values, for example:[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]
Delta Number
ForegroundColor Number Array, Length = 4 Linear color values, for example:[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]
MaxSliderValue Number
MaxValue Number
MinSliderValue Number
MinValue Number
OnValueChanged String The python code which will be executed.. replacement flag: "%"
ToolTipText String
Type String float or int
Value Number
Visibility Enum: EVisibility: Visible, Collapsed, Hidden, HitTestInvisible, SelfHitTestInvisible, All

functions what can be called from ChameleonData

FunctionName Description
set_int_value Set integer value to widget: SSpinBox.
get_int_value Get integer value from widget: SSpinBox.
set_float_value Set integer value to widget: SSpinBox.
get_float_value Get integer value from widget: SSpinBox.
set_color_and_opacity Set widget's color and opacity.


Example 1:

        "Type": "int",
        "Value": 10,
        "MinValue": 1,
        "MaxValue": 8192,
        "MinSliderValue": 1,
        "maxSliderValue": 8192,
        "Delta": 1,
        "OnValueChanged": "print(%)"