Bootstrap Chameleon Logo



Property Type Note
Aka String Name for the widget
Position Number Array, Length = 2
Size Number Array, Length = 2 For example:[100, 50]
Slots Array The array which contain children widgets
ToolTipText String
Visibility Enum: EVisibility: Visible, Collapsed, Hidden, HitTestInvisible, SelfHitTestInvisible, All


Example 1:

    "SCanvas": {
        "ToolTipText": "Canvas is a layout widget that allows you to arbitrary position and size child widgets in a relative coordinate space",
        "Slots": [
                "Position": [97.5, 0],
                "Size": [25, 20],
                "SButton": {"ButtonColorAndOpacity": [0, 5, 0 ,1], "OnClick": "print('Head.')",
                    "Text": "^_^"
                "Position": [90, 22],
                "Size": [40, 40],
                "SButton": {"ButtonColorAndOpacity": [0, 2, 0 ,1], "OnClick": "print('Body.')"}