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Function Name Description
get_display_name_map Get the DiaplayNameMap of the given User Define Enum. Key: Raw Enum Num, Value:Display Name
set_enum_items Set the items of the given User Define Enum.
get_enum_len Get the number of the given User Define Enum's items.
get_display_name_by_index Get the display name of the given User Define Enum
set_display_name Get the display name of the given User Define Enum
get_description_by_index Get the Description of the given User Define Enum Item
set_description_by_index Set the Description of the given User Define Enum Item
get_name_by_index Get the raw name of the given User Define Enum
move_enum_item Moves the enumerator at the given initial index to a new target index, shifting other enumerators as needed.
is_bitflags_type Check if the enumerator-as-bitflags meta data is set
set_bitflags_type Set the state of the bitflags of the given User Define Enum
get_cpp_form Get the CppForm value as int of the given User Define Enum


Get the DiaplayNameMap of the given User Define Enum. Key: Raw Enum Num, Value:Display Name

unreal.PythonEnumLib.get_display_name_map(enum) -> Map[Name, Text]
    Get the DiaplayNameMap of the given User Define Enum. Key: Raw Enum Num, Value:Display Name
    note: Return value is a map, unordered.

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.

        Map[Name, Text]: The DisplayNameMap in enum. (type: <class 'Map'>)


Set the items of the given User Define Enum.

unreal.PythonEnumLib.set_enum_items(enum, display_names) -> None
    Set the items of the given User Define Enum.

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to modify.
        display_names (Array[str]): The display names of the enum's items. The Raw Enum Name will generated automaticly.


Get the number of the given User Define Enum's items.

unreal.PythonEnumLib.get_enum_len(enum) -> int32
    Get the number of the given User Define Enum's items.

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.

        int32: Number of User Define Enum


Get the display name of the given User Define Enum

unreal.PythonEnumLib.get_display_name_by_index(enum, index) -> str
    Get the display name of the given User Define Enum

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.
        index (int32): The index of the enum item, 0-based.

        str: The display name of the enum item


Get the display name of the given User Define Enum

unreal.PythonEnumLib.set_display_name(enum, index, new_display_name) -> bool
    Get the display name of the given User Define Enum

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.
        index (int32): The index of the enum item, 0-based.
        new_display_name (str): The new display name

        bool: True if the new name set.


Get the Description of the given User Define Enum Item

unreal.PythonEnumLib.get_description_by_index(enum, index) -> str
    Get the Description of the given User Define Enum Item

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.
        index (int32): The index of the enum item, 0-based.

        str: The description name of the enum item


Set the Description of the given User Define Enum Item

unreal.PythonEnumLib.set_description_by_index(enum, index, description) -> bool
    Set the Description of the given User Define Enum Item

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.
        index (int32): The index of the enum item, 0-based.
        description (str): The description of the enum item.

        bool: True if the description set.


Get the raw name of the given User Define Enum

unreal.PythonEnumLib.get_name_by_index(enum, index) -> str
    Get the raw name of the given User Define Enum

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.
        index (int32): The index of the enum item, 0-based.

        str: The raw name of the enum item


Moves the enumerator at the given initial index to a new target index, shifting other enumerators as needed.

unreal.PythonEnumLib.move_enum_item(enum, initial_index, target_index) -> None
    Moves the enumerator at the given initial index to a new target index, shifting other enumerators as needed.
    E.g. with enum [A, B, C, D, E], moving index 1 to index 3 results in [A, C, D, B, E].

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to modify.
        initial_index (int32): The initial index of the enum item
        target_index (int32): The target index of the enum item


Check if the enumerator-as-bitflags meta data is set

unreal.PythonEnumLib.is_bitflags_type(enum) -> bool
    Check if the enumerator-as-bitflags meta data is set

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.

        bool: Whether has Bitflags or not.


Set the state of the bitflags of the given User Define Enum

unreal.PythonEnumLib.set_bitflags_type(enum, bitflags_type) -> None
    Set the state of the bitflags of the given User Define Enum

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.
        bitflags_type (bool): Bitflags Value


Get the CppForm value as int of the given User Define Enum

unreal.PythonEnumLib.get_cpp_form(enum) -> int32
    Get the CppForm value as int of the given User Define Enum

        enum (UserDefinedEnum): The User Define Enum you want to query.

        int32: ECppForm value as int.          0: Regular, 1: Namespaced, 2EnumClass

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